Back In college I was rarely without my camera.. and the duller moments of the lab class (dude.. it was 3 hours long) were spent in taking random pictures.. Some of them came out really well.. I Spy With My Big Eye.. Dear ol' sid..
Dispertion pattern (prism.. i think..)
The Terminator.. aka Jethin B. Raj..
Walk into the great white light...
Anybody ever played Mortal Kombat? this sooo looks like Goro to me.. (sorry Miss Joseph)
I looked at my pic there and I just remembered how damn hot it would get inside that optics room on summer afternoons...and then there was the odd visit by SK checking out "interfarance"
I looked at my pic there and I just remembered how damn hot it would get inside that optics room on summer afternoons...and then there was the odd visit by SK checking out "interfarance"