Tuesday, March 27, 2012


People are strange.
Morrisson sang about it, and we all have raised our hands in exasperation at the utter irrationality and inherent contradiction in someone's behaviour at one point of time or another.
I was stumped by the vastly different standards that a certain person employed towards themselves, others and me. And the bizzare manifestation of said standards in everyday behaviour.
Till it hit me.. I'm the one who's unusual here.. 'Do unto others....' is not a universally accepted way of life for most people.
Morrisson was right..

People are strange, when you're a stranger..


  1. yus. then what to do is the question? stop doing unto others? never works for me.

    1. Me neither.. What I would give to be able to hold a grudge or be selfish on occasions..
      Being a nice guy can be rather inconvenient..

    2. hah. yes. on the bright side we get to moan and feel superior ;)

  2. What good is that? I'd like a large Selfish with Indifference on the side, please..

  3. would you really? i'm not convinced. i quite like myself thankee very much.

  4. You can't possibly say you've never wanted to have callousness as a buffer for one of those God awful times when the fact that you care has been used to emotionally rip you to shreds..

  5. no, i cant say i never have. but when i tried it, i found myself immeasurably more traumatized by the buffer than by the hurt of betrayal that came. and funnily, it always comes. there are stories, but i'm sure you're read some on the blog heh. i guess the reason the buffer dont work is that 1. i'm an all out no holds barred person. 2. when there's a buffer i can't seem to have the all-out good bits that eventually make the memories and make the bad bits worth it.

  6. i should activate this comment notifier thingy no? i keep forgetting to check...heh this is like the old days of blogging when we commented wildly on each other's blogs to hold up conversations, and then other people would be confused because the threads didn't refer to the post they were attached to!
    sorry...i'm old. we ramble ;)

    1. I think the right perspective is missing here.. lemme correct that..
      I got cheated on.. lied to.. and stuck on in the hope that maybe i could salvage something.. only to realise that there was never any sense of guilt there.. I quote "Im sorry I lied but im not sorry I did it.. I needed to feel free.."
      and now I look back and see six years of my life that were spent making excuses for shit she did.. things that were so glaringly obvious that a little voice in my head kept screaming " grow a fucking pair and do something for yourself for once!"
      and I finally did..
      PS.. feel freeeee to ramble.. I do it all the time.. :)
