Sunday, June 26, 2011


#9 : Cook an entire meal from scratch.

Its only fitting that this item gets struck off with me cooking my birthday dinner..
Three courses.. made absolutely from scratch.. a few burnt fingers.. but its so totally worth it.. came out rather well if i do say so myself..

#9.... DONE

First course : Corn Salad

Second course : Pasta

With fresh Garlic toast made from scratch!!

Third Course : Orange Jello with Vanilla Ice Cream

Satisfied Customers.. :)

The Critics..

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Sometime during the last year, in a certain conversation with one of my more socially aware friends, it came to my notice that what with crazy work hours and studying, i'd completely lost touch with the world in general.. was completely clueless about some pretty big issues.. ergo..
#16 : Read the newspaper regularly.

I'd be lying if i said I read it everyday.. but for the last 10 months or so, I've made sure i read the paper cover to cover atleast 4 days in a week..
I thnk I can safely say.. #16 is DONE!


What with school uniform regulations, obsessive parents and corporate dress codes, i'd never really managed the long rock'n'roll hair I always wanted.. Well no more i say!!
With nothing but one tiny, essential trim in 8 months.. i now have AWESOME long hair.. and they're gonna stay that way DAMN IT!!

#11 is officially DONE!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Thankyouthankyouthankyou Prateek Sharma!!
A very unexpected and totally awesome present!! Limited edition StarWars collection!!

#24 : Get my hands on all the Star Wars episodes.



Thank you Aakash Sharma, for the company.. on a cool breezy sunday morning..
#22 : Pick up rock climbing again.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


1 part vodka
1 part Tequila
1 part Rum
1 part Gin 
1 part Triple Sec
1 1/2 parts Sweet and Sour Mix
Top it off with Coke..
Mix ingredients together over ice in a glass. Pour into a shaker and give one brisk shake. Pour back into the glass and make sure there is a touch of fizz at the top. Garnish with lemon.

voila.. one of the most potent cocktails ever.. the LIIT..
oh and #10 DONE

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I dreamed of you last night.
In another's arms..
Happy, I hope..
Couldnt see clearly,
Got something in my eye..
I dreamed of you last night.
and woke up in a familiar place
In dread and in pain..
Could not fall asleep again..
Poked a hole in my feeble attempt
To live one day at a time
Banish the thought of you
And pretend everything doesnt remind me
Of everything we had
And everything I lost
I dreamed of you last night
I know not why.
But with the scab ripped off
And the void renewed
For once i wish, I did not dream.